Craft:Chinese traditional embrodiery craft, 100% hand made
As we known , Chinese embroider is very famous around the world. It's a national symbolic as a special product. The embroidery and the silk go on hand in hand. And china is the earliest country which was discovered use the silk . People started to breed silkworm 4-5 thousands years ago. So the embroidery was gradually prevailed. And we know that embroidery was popular 4-5 thousands years ago .Nowadays, the embroidery has been developed so many elaborate technics and the Chinese folk woman are embroidery master-hand. And this silk embroidery we offered above, it was assigned more exotic value, It was a mysterious nomadic nation of china in the past. See this embroidered-cloth ,it is embroidered very fine, it was absolutely hand made! The colorful threads were embroidered so elaborate and formed the unique painting designs. We hope this elaborate artwork would bless you from the remote civilized china. It also has great value to be collected.