The drum is listed as "hide" in the traditional bayin classifications. The type is similar in shape to a barrel. Its wooden shell, entirely painted red with colourful decorative patterns, is covered with two drumheads of cowhide. Four lateral iron rings around the shell allow the drum to be vertically suspended in a frame. It is struck with a pair of wooden beaters. Tone quality can be modified by moving the point of striking closer to the centre of the surface, with varying dynamics. The Tanggu is constructed mainly in two types. The larger one can produce a deep and sonorous tone and the smaller is solid and forceful in tone quality. The drum is traditionally used with other instruments like luo (gong) and bo (cymbals) in folk festivals and celebrations, and in ensembles or in accompaniments as well. Types for local operas are mostly smaller, e.g. The Jing Tanggu in Peking opera.(tang: hall; gu: drum)
Material:double sided cowhide